Making Laos in Morganton

Morganton City Hall invited me to display "Home in a New Place: Making Laos in Morganton, NC" in February and March, 2017.  I developed this exhibit of photography and textiles for UNC-Chapel Hill's Center for the Study of the American South and it is based on my master's thesis research. 

The February 6 opening party at City Hall featured food by Asian Fusion Kitchen, a baci ceremony organized by the Phapphayboun family, and an alms-giving for the Venerable Say Mathmanivong from Kings Mountain, NC. City Council invited this visiting monk to open their monthly meeting with a Buddhist blessing following the event. 

Read the article in the Morganton City Herald.

Khamsi Siluangkot (center) helped to organize a baci ceremony. Baci ceremonies involve tying strings around each other's wrists to keep in good wishes, and are given in Laos at important moments in people's lives.

Khamsi Siluangkot (center) helped to organize a baci ceremony. Baci ceremonies involve tying strings around each other's wrists to keep in good wishes, and are given in Laos at important moments in people's lives.


Southern Mix


Unpacking the Past, Designing the Future